I’ve only been doing activism for a relatively short period of time, but it quickly became apparent to me that it’s just the same handful of fallacies being parroted over and over. I don’t think most of the people I interact with even understand what they’re saying, they’re just repeating something that they heard. I thought to myself, instead of typing out virtually the same responses each and every time on Facebook or Instagram or Reddit discussions, why not just make a website that has my thoughts all laid out? So, I decided to take the time to properly write down my thoughts in the form of articles to address each piece of misinformation and fallacy individually. Each article expresses my own thoughts, links to scientific studies and published data (where applicable), and my best attempts to inform and educate the reader.

And because it’s me and I love memes, there are lots of memes.

You can browse the articles below, or use the search function to find articles based on specific words. If you’re using this site as a resource and you need help sharing the articles with others, I’ve put together a guide for doing so.