Is veganism healthy?

It’s important to remember that veganism is not a diet, nor is it a health movement. It’s a moral and ethical philosophy against animal exploitation, and that’s it. But in addition to veganism being the best thing for the animals, it just so happens to be the best thing for your health, assuming you’re eating a relatively healthy diet and not exclusively vegan junk food. So even though one of the criticisms we often hear is how unhealthy veganism is, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

We know that getting protein as a vegan is easy as a vegan, despite the myth that we are protein deficient because “protein is only found in meat.”

We know that we don’t need to take a ton of supplements despite the claims we keep hearing (but please, make sure you are getting B12 through a supplement or fortified food).

And, most importantly, we know that veganism is acknowledged as healthy for people in all stages of life, and is recommended by numerous expert organizations in the dietetic and medical fields:

I think this part might be my favorite. We know that a whole foods plant-based diet is of course the healthiest, but even plant-based meat substitutes are often healthier than meat:

The best part about plant-based meat substitutes is that none of them have been classified as carcinogenic, but we can’t say the same thing about animal-based meat. The World Health Organization has classified some forms of animal meat as carcinogenic:

Then there are the additional health issues caused by meat:

Then there’s the disgusting truth that every hamburger you eat probably has a little bit of poop bacteria in it:

So not only is a vegan diet healthy, but animal products are quite literally killing you.


Why don’t vegans eat honey?


Do vegans take a lot of supplements?