As vegans, we hear it all the time: Crop deaths. Vegans are unhealthy, protein deficient, and take a lot of supplements. Animals eat animals. We’ve always eaten meat. Plants feel pain. Animals are slaughtered humanely…

Shortly after I started doing activism on social media, it quickly became apparent to me that people were just repeating the same fallacious claims against veganism over and over. So, I decided to make this website to debunk those claims. Each article here expresses my own thoughts, links to scientific studies (where applicable), and my best attempts to educate the reader. And because it’s me, there are a lot of memes.

Who I am, what I do, and how I became a vegan animal rights activist. As well as the mission behind this website and why I built it.

Learn more about Southwestern Ohio Animal Rights Network (SWOARN), the organization I co-founded with other activists

Help going vegan, documentaries and speeches, and activists I follow